The newest Mageia is available from us!
admin December 30th, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized
We now support Mint 18.1!
admin December 17th, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized
Fedora 25 is now available on all eRacks Systems –
And Mint 18.1 Serena is coming in the next week or two as well..
If you don’t see what you want, be sure to ask for it in the details field when you request a quote, or contact us on the contact page or via email –
admin November 28th, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized
Docker, Please – “Available for both Windows and Mac” Are you kidding?
This reminds me of the legendary line from the Blues Brothers movie:
“We got BOTH kinds of music – Country AND Western!”
Lame – it’s all based on Linux! And Open Source!
Docker runs natively on Linux – the only way to get it to run on Windows and/or Mac, is to run it inside a VM (Virtual Machine), running Linux. Ahem.
So apparently that’s what this does, although you couldn’t tell by the name, the marketing blurb, nor the description.
The Docker Toolbox is an installer to quickly and easily install and setup a Docker environment on your computer.
Available for both Windows and Mac, the Toolbox installs Docker Client, Machine, Compose and Kitematic.
Source: Docker Toolbox | Docker
joe October 9th, 2016
Posted In: Linux, Open Source, Technology, Uncategorized
Tags: linux, Open Source, Technology
Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS (Long Term Support) is now available on our website, as of April 21st!
Aaron April 23rd, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized