eRacks Systems Tech Blog

Open Source Experts Since 1999

As of late April, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” is now available on all eRacks systems, both Desktop and Server.

It should appear in the “Operating system” dropdown when you configure your system, and is the default on many / most of our systems.

If you don’t see it, or if you this it should be the default, (or shouldn’t!), please let us know – We are always listening for feedback!

Our initial testing with it, is that it is very solid, albeit a little bigger than the 18.04 LTS release, likely due to the increased usage of the Snap packaging system, which tends to favor freedom from dependencies over disk space.


Cuuuute little one

Handsome Fella

May 2nd, 2020

Posted In: Linux, Open Source, Operating Systems, servers, Technology, ubuntu

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